"1 Peter 2:9, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. So as you are called out of the world that is full of darkness, into His kingdom which is light, that’s how you can receive the blessings because you see not like the world sees. Verse 10, Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. When you’re not a people of God you do not have grace upon you. But when you become the people of God, His sons, you receive grace. Verse 11, Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. When God visits them for salvation they will remember the acts of God in those that are truly His. If you walk in righteousness and holiness and they see the quietness, God can use that on the day when God visits them." It’s hard for me to believe that God could choose me or anyone else to be a part of the very elect. But God has made a way and because He’s made a way I labor to find it. I want to start in Matthew 20:16, So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. How much have you been chosen? According to your will is how much God can use you. The more you can be quickened into the place of blessings, the more successful and the wealthier you will be in eternity. I don’t look for wealth anymore, not that it won’t come, but the more you know God the more you know that you are saved by grace and the less that you have anything to do with it. God deals with you. He causes you to change. Your flesh never wants to move on with God. It’s your flesh that holds you back. That’s why we must die to the flesh if we want to grow and go on with God. …for many are called but few are chosen. The question is how much are you willing to help God and what is it that you’re supposed to help God with? The purpose of your obedience is to bring forth on the earth what God declared from the beginning. That’s why you were placed here and now, because He has placed within you a purpose and a call of doing something that He wanted done before He even created the earth. The first thing He did was create people that He was going to give the earth to, to fulfill His word that was in His heart. As the earth grows and expands, He’s releasing words that are what He wants to do now. There are things that He is doing now that are happening because someone carried that word and released it upon the earth. Just like Elijah. When he was calling for the three year drought to end he had his servant go out seven times to look and see if there was a cloud coming. It didn’t come until the seventh time, and finally his servant said, I see just a little cloud. And Elijah said that’s enough. That’s all I need. All I need is just to know it’s sprouted. He didn’t stay there and keep crying out. He didn’t keep wishing that it would be here right now. He knew it was coming and that’s all he needed. That’s why we need patience to enact the seed that’s in His heart, that word that He wants fulfilled upon the earth. And we are those that cry out, Lord let the things in heaven be done on earth like it is there. His will is always accomplished in heaven but He gave the earth to mankind to have dominion over it. We have a King of kings and Lord of lords who is pure in all of His ways that will help us get where we need to be. His will right now is not what it was when Jesus came on the earth. Yes, the thing that Jesus did then was extremely important. But Jesus is the beginning and He is the end. We are coming to the end and Jesus has the words from the Father to complete it, so Jesus is looking for those who would be word carriers to release that which God wants done on the earth. But how are you going to do that if you don’t have the seven eyes? You can’t. Mankind can’t know the ways of God unless they have some way of touching His heart, and that’s what the seven eyes do. They touch the heart of God that we might know His will. Will you allow God to bring you to an even greater place than just being chosen? That’s what we want to look at. Ephesians 1:3, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Your blessings are heavenly and then earthly. You take that which is from heaven, which is pure, and release that upon the earth and then you are a word carrier. Jesus taught us to pray, Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That’s how you do it. You can pray all you want to but until you enter into the heavenly places, you will not release heaven upon earth. Jesus broke the power of sin that we might be quickened into heavenly places. The blessings which Jesus has are found in heavenly places. And so if we go to heavenly places and live in Him we begin to see the blessings of the kingdom of God that are eternal. They’re not carnal but they are eternal and that’s where you put your treasures. Verse 4, According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. To love Him is to enjoy the blessings of your inheritance. Verse 5, Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will. The earthly mindset is that if you are predestined you are on a path that you can’t change. That’s true, except you do have a choice. You can reject Christ and never get it, or you can say, Yes, I will die to the earthly and be quickened into the heavenly where there is a destination for me, a destination that will continue. As long as you yield unto the living God you will be predestined to your office to function in the blessings of the living God. How can you beat that? And yet it’s so difficult to give up the now for your screaming flesh to be pleased. So we’ve been predestined according to the good pleasure of His will. That means carrying out His plan from the beginning. To be quickened He puts the DNA of heavenly destination in you to be accomplished, if you are willing to die at the cross to your own predestination to take on His. There are many people that will not make it because they believe they have been predestined without a choice so they are going to just keep on doing what they are doing, but they will lose their predestination because they are not quickened into heavenly places in Christ Jesus. It’s really simple, and yet it’s so hard. Verse 6, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. The praise and the glory that we give Him is because of His grace we’ve been predestined into. That’s the destiny wherein He’s made us acceptable. We are accepted in the beloved because we have died to this world and are seeking heavenly places in Him. But the enemy would try to say, yes, maybe for someone else but not for me; I can’t do it. But that isn’t what it says. Anyone can. So the question is, have you given up your destiny for the destiny that He planned for you? The destiny that you plan for yourself doesn’t come from God, it comes from the rebellion of satan which is not worth anything. Verse 7, In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; Think how rich grace is. You have been accepted into heavenly places in Christ Jesus IF you are willing to pay the price. And really that price is small compared to the blessings that you can have in heavenly places. Verse 8, Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; When we begin to yield ourselves to Him, He rushes wisdom and prudence towards us. Verse 9, Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: God has made known the mystery of His will unto those who are holy. That means that there are mysteries that God is releasing in this hour and in this time that no one else knew about. The wealth that we can have in heavenly places has not been all used up. When the United States was still being established, it used to be that when they took more land there would be a land rush. They would line up with their horses and their buggies and when they said “Go!” then they would take off where they platted some land out. They had a stake with a sign that said I’m allowed 160 acres and if they were the first one to claim a piece of land, it was theirs. All they had to do was be the first one to be there, so away they went. You know, that’s earthly places. Maybe we should be that way because God has made known unto us the mystery of His will. When you release His will there is a place, because of your office, that you will be. Let’s just say, like Abraham, go out and look, walk all around the land of Israel that you’re going to have some day. Abraham is going to be in charge of all of what Israel was given because God said He would give it to him. But he didn’t receive it in the physical. He received it later in heavenly places. So He’s made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purposed in himself. He hasn’t told us how He’s going to do it, but it’s beyond our imagination what He’s going to do for us. So why not just give everything up to Him, and let Him speak to you about some of the mysteries that He wants to release; that someone would carry that mystery and plant that seed upon the earth to bring it forth, His will. And you’ll be among the beloved. He has a lot of blessings to give someone. It might as well be you. It might as well be me. It says He’s going to give it according to His good pleasure. If you’re in the beloved and He sent His wisdom and prudence rushing to you…Things that only the Father knows, and maybe the Son and Holy Spirit too, but beyond that He has kept it secret what He has put in the DNA of His creation and what part you are to play if you will seek to do His will and to fulfill the words. Years ago I figured that out and that’s when I said, Lord, if you can’t find anybody to do that, I’ll do it. I see the wealth in that. All I have to do is die to my own agenda and take on His and plant the seeds and watch it grow. Verse 10, That in the dispensation of the fullness of times… The fullness of times is when everything has been accomplished that He wanted accomplished on the earth. In each season that God has, He releases His mysteries to His faithful. …That he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him. Now what does that tell us? It tells us that first of all, there are things that are in heaven that He wants accomplished through His kingdom and then those that inherit the earth come into play. So heaven and earth are connected at this point when all things are accomplished. Abraham is going to receive his land when this is completed. That’s why you can’t separate the earthly things from the heavenly things. But the first thing that we do is be connected to God the Creator that has words that need to be fulfilled in our time. And we have been destined to do them if we choose to do them, and if we do them then we will inherit the earth. Verse 11, In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. If you’re willing to take counsel of His will, you will make it. Verse 12, That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. God’s glory comes on us when we trust in Christ Jesus and then begin to live in the blessings of heaven. The blessings of heaven grow as you understand and become mature. Verse 13, In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise. What is the promise? It’s the promise of heavenly attachment to the kingdom of God and inheriting the earth. Revelation 17:14, These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. You are called. That is the outer court. You get basic salvation. To be chosen is to go into the Holy Place and minister to God. To the degree that you submit and He can trust you with the power He gives you is how much you are chosen to do. You are chosen according to your ways, the knowledge that you have of God’s ways, the ability to hear what is in God’s heart, what He wants done, and if you are faithful and will not pollute the seed that He wants to bring. He wants to bring a pure seed upon the earth. So in the area of that seed He prepares His vessel so that it’s cleansed, disinfected, and ready to receive a seed of life that He wants to release upon the earth. To be faithful has to do with being holy, not just righteous. Righteousness has to do with the chosen, the ability to destroy the enemy and wickedness upon the earth. But holiness would be the elect. It’s not the elite, it’s the elect. Earthly is the elite; those that think they know more than anybody else. We as the elect know more than anybody else but it’s because we serve the King of kings and Lord of lords. We do what He says, so therefore we know what is happening upon the earth. Not because He wanted us to know it, but He wants to do it because He wants the people on the earth to know it. That’s part of the promises of you inheriting the earth. To be faithful is to stay in God’s presence and when the Lord is ready to use you for another project, He gives you a seed and you release it upon the earth. How do you release it? Well, if God gives you a seed He will show you how to release it. Jesus said, My Father tells me what to do and shows me how to do it. I don’t worry about how it’s going to happen. The Lord will tell me. That’s part of being a priest unto the Lord. You know what He is talking about. 1 Peter 2:9, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. So as you are called out of the world that is full of darkness, into His kingdom which is light, that’s how you can receive the blessings because you see not like the world sees. Verse 10, Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. When you’re not a people of God you do not have grace upon you. But when you become the people of God, His sons, you receive grace. Verse 11, Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. When God visits them for salvation they will remember the acts of God in those that are truly His. If you walk in righteousness and holiness and they see the quietness, God can use that on the day when God visits them. Luke 21:33, Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. The kingdom of God which is in heavenly places will be gone one day and the earth as we know it will be gone. But God’s word that we’ve placed in our hearts, that we live by, that we’ve allowed to take over our lives, will never go away. So when God has given you a seed to plant, His words that are in you will never pass away. That means that the words that God gives you in your office will stay with you for all eternity. It will never pass away. Where can you go to have such an investment in eternity? If we would just grasp a little of the wealth that we can have in Christ Jesus we would be a totally different person. I never speak of how rich I am in God to make you jealous. I talk about it that you might be rich too. I don’t control the wealth. God does. Luke 21:19, In your patience possess ye your souls. Your soul is what has a destination of eternity, because the body will be stripped from the spirit when you die, and you will be a spiritual being from then on. You will be judged according to your works and your works are in your soul. The book of your life is in your soul. So you are to possess your soul. Now we think, how can I do that if I’m supposed to give everything to the Lord? Well if you give everything to the Lord you are declaring who your soul is going to be given to, because there are only two kingdoms and you will serve one of them. So to possess your soul is to give your soul to the Lord, which is salvation. He’s come to save your soul from destruction. Those that feed the flesh have given their souls to satan who has corrupted the flesh. To escape corruption, give your soul to the One that can save it and then let Him guide you through until you get a totally new character in you. Right now we have a deposit of who we will be. But when the Lord gives every person that is born again a spirit that is fully and completely given to the Lord, then we will have saved our soul because we possess our soul and don’t let someone else own it. That’s why my wife doesn’t possess my soul, you don’t possess my soul, and nobody possesses my soul but the Lord Jesus Christ. He is faithful, true, and righteous, because He gave His life that you might have eternal life. And if He did that He is a perfect place to allow your soul to be taken over. If someone else tries to own your soul, that’s what is called a trespass. God is not pleased with somebody trespassing on another person’s soul. And that’s what angered me when I was in the traditional church. They never taught what it means for someone else to own your soul instead of Jesus Christ. Anytime I see someone trying to possess someone else’s soul I will do everything I can to stop it because it will not make you in the beloved of God but the wrath of God remains on you. You will never be chosen to do certain things if you own other people’s souls. That’s why the church is so weak today. Everybody owns everybody’s soul. But here Luke says, In your patience give your soul to the Lord. And if you don’t you’ll be of those that go down the highway that is broad. Many there be that find that trail, that highway, but it will not be the highway of holiness. It is the highway to the destruction of your soul and you will never be known again. God has laid before us great wealth. Prosperity in the heavens, then in the earth.
10/19/2019 04:50:07 pm
We are what we choose to be, that is how I think life is. If you want to be a negative person, then that is who you are going to be your entire life. Well, if you ask me, there is no point in talking about it that way. We all have a choice to make, but we are also free to make mistakes. So what if you made a mistake? That is just natural. Make mistakes before you lose in life.
6/13/2021 10:53:18 pm
Thank you guys it is really good and fantasic article and good writing content.
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