Matthew 20:28 tells us that Jesus didn’t die for everyone, He died for many. 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells me this is true. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. The first thing you have to do is begin to pray because you’ve been humbled by the Holy Spirit. It’s the Holy Spirit that convinces you of the sin that’s in you. It’s true that we can’t do it on our own. The anointing breaks the yoke but it’s up to you to get it out. In Hebrews chapter four it says, labor to enter in. Don’t sit there and wait on God, but labor to get rid of the stuff. As you are praying and crying out and being in a place of humility He will come to you because you have come into a different place. When you cry out to Him in humility and brokenness, knowing that unless He moves you are done, you come into a qualifying place of who He died for. So it’s true, isn’t it? It doesn’t do any good for Jesus to die if you’re not in a place of qualification for Him to come and save you. If you don’t need saving then He didn’t die for you. After you are humbled by the Holy Spirit, begin to cry out day and night and seek His face. To seek His face is to seek His fellowship and obedience to Him. Then it says to turn from your wicked ways. You must turn from what you’ve been doing to enter into the realm of those He died for. Through the ways of God we know He doesn’t waste His energy on anything. Jesus said, Gather up all of the bread so that none would be wasted. It took the energy of God to create that bread from one person’s meal to feeding five thousand. What a wonderful thing. But the next day they came back because they were fed by Him and He said, You didn’t come to hear me, what I have to preach about, me coming and dying for you so that you can enter into that place to receive my death. You came to fill your belly and I’m not going to feed you anymore. So until you come to the place that you really NEED Him, He’s not going to move in your life. It’s true that we in ourselves can’t do anything, but we have to go into a labor of positioning ourselves to receive so that He will begin to respond to our cry. If you stay in the place of self-centeredness, you can cry all you want in self-pity but He won’t move or say anything until you come into the place that He can release upon you His Son’s blood and His bread, His body, that you might drink His blood and eat His flesh, because it’s good for you and your eternal destiny to be in Him. So even in the Old Testament He’s saying, If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray…then will I hear from heaven. If you’re not in a place where you can touch the face of God in your prayer, in your crying out, it’s because you haven’t entered into the realm that He can touch you. You have to humble yourself. You have to pray with the intensity of, Lord, if you don’t move in my life, I’m done. I NEED You. Without that you are nothing and never will be. He says, Then I’ll hear from heaven, I’ll forgive your sins, and will heal your land. The life that you’re living in Me will be healed. Mine eyes shall be open and my ears attendant unto the prayer that is made in this place. Wow. He said, My eyes will see and my ears will be opened and they will be attentive to the prayers that I hear coming from you that are made in that place that He just described. Religious people will never enter into it, because they aren’t humble and they aren’t meek. He can’t teach you if you’re not meek. For now have I chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there forever and mine eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually. The decision of who Jesus died for is up to you and me. No one else. He said, If you will be in this place that I made for you to come to I’ll hear you and I’ll see you and I will be attentive to you. Why? Because you entered into His face to begin to have your supplications heard. If you don’t see those changes, if you can’t hear God, you haven’t entered into that place. It’s that simple. That’s the way you have to be and that’s what has to happen. Matthew 7:7-8 says, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Does that sound like we can’t do anything? No! You have to do it. You can’t do anything of yourself, but ask, and He’ll give you the power to do it. Then seek; you may stay up until three a.m. trying to figure it out. You can’t do anything, but you can do that. If the Holy Spirit convinces you of your sin, He can then take you to the place where you can receive the blood of Jesus, and He died for those who enter into that place. The job of the Holy Spirit is to take you into the place where you can receive what Jesus did for those who want Him. Then knock, and He’ll open the door to that room, to the place where He died for you. If you don’t enter into the place of letting Him take over your life so you can learn of Him then He can’t do anything for you. Ask, seek, and knock. It doesn’t say how long it takes before you receive, find or the door is opened, so keep going until you get it. Whether it takes one year, or five years or twenty years, keep going. You cannot get out of where you’re at until you enter into the place where God teaches you how to get out. When you enter in, you are entering in at the strait gate. You’re looking straight ahead and you’re going to find the Father. The strait gate is narrow and it doesn’t take much to get off of it. There are a lot of people who go through the door but then they get on the wrong road. You will be known by your fruits. God doesn’t judge us by what we think, He judges us by what we do. It’s after I’ve done something that God knows where my allegiance is. It’s not who I say I am, it’s what kind of fruit I bear. If the door is opened and you enter into that place, and you stay on the narrow path, God is attentive to what you’re saying and doing because He knows you. You are before His face and it’s at that point that you cannot bear bad fruit, as long as you stay in that place. But if you are not in that place, you cannot bear good fruit. Let’s test this on our president. He says that he’s a Christian, but he promotes abortion and same sex marriage. He is laboring to destroy the laws of our land. He bows to allah, and he promotes covetousness (wanting other people’s things). What kind of fruit is that? Bitterness destroys everything it touches. He accuses everyone else of all the issues. Who is the accuser? So if you look in the scriptures you can determine who he is. In doing that, you are not judging him, you are looking at his actions to determine if he is a good tree or a bad tree. So you’ll know them by their fruit. We do it every day. We judge by what is completed. Not everyone that says, Lord, Lord will enter in. The ones who will enter in are those that do His will. When He opens the door and you’re invited in, you’re invited into His sheepfold. But some will try to get in another way other than by humbling themselves and wanting Him with everything. If you climb in another way, He won’t know you, and He says, Depart from me you that work your own works (iniquity). Those who are invited in are a special people. They are the children of God. They have the potential, if they continue, to enter into the river of the Eternal Church, totally dependent upon God.
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