As human beings we use gauges every day. We have air pressure gauges to check tires. We have gauges on canners so that you don’t build too much pressure and blow the lid off. They are made with gauges that jiggle to keep the pressure balanced. God has given us gauges as well to determine who we are and where we are at. But the problem is that if our eyes have been darkened we don’t recognize or observe the gauges that God has put in us. Probably the strongest gauge God has given us is the glory of God. The greatest security and safety that is available to mankind is the glory of God. Paul says we go from glory to glory. One of the keys of His glory is He said I’m going to give my glory to no one except whom I choose to give glory. He says He’ll not give us His glory when we have the kingdom of satan in us. In other words, You are My child, and if you cleanse yourself, then I’ll give you some of My glory. The first thing we have to do is defeat the enemy of our flesh in us, then it says that glory will follow. So we get a level of God’s glory. Then we go to the next level and we defeat the flesh, whatever it is that God wants to change in us, and as we go from glory to glory we enter into a level of prosperity in God. On the earth in the physical there is nothing that can compare. That’s why David said, the Lord is my shepherd, He is my glory, and I shall not want. When you walk in the glory of God there is nothing better. We want to look at some of the things in the glory. One of the things that has always impressed me is God releasing His glory. When you walk in His glory, what happens? For those who do not walk in the glory, the eyes of their understanding are darkened. So therefore, when the glory comes, brightness comes and you can see things you can’t see without His glory. To walk in the glory of God is to touch the mind of God. To touch the mind of God is to understand the deep things of Him and His creation. Solomon was given wisdom and he touched the mind of God. He would teach for hours and people would come from all over the known earth to listen to his wisdom because he was touching the mind of God and in the mind of God was His glory. When Solomon finished building the temple and the ark was moved into it, they celebrated and God’s glory came over Jerusalem and filled the temple. What that did was the very same thing that happened way back in Moses time when the glory of God came on Aaron because he protected the kingdom of God. God said to Aaron, I now own you because My glory is upon you. His sons didn’t believe God, and two of them entered the tabernacle drunk and ministered to the Lord in the Holy Place. What happened? Fire came out from the glory of God and burned them up. God said to Aaron, don’t mourn for your two sons because they were disobedient and you’re not to mourn for their rebellion. The rest of the people can, but not you and not your two sons that are still alive, because the glory was put on them. There is a time coming that the glory of God is going to cover the earth like the waters cover the sea. That has not fully happened yet. Where is the glory that was in the temple in the time of Solomon? It has lifted so it cannot be seen with physical eyes. It is still over Mount Moriah. But only those with spiritual eyes can see it. He’s still up there, and He’s still ruling, but He’ll not share His glory with another (including allah and the mosque). I’ve experienced that going to different churches that at one time had the glory but because sin entered into the church, the glory lifted. The kingdom of satan began to enter into that church in pride and arrogance and it forced the glory of God to lift from that place, but it was still there, waiting for them to repent and to enter into the glory again. When we worshipped, I worshipped in the realm of glory they had before, but until the sin was removed they could no longer experience the glory. Jesus walked in the glory of His Father. When Jesus walked on the face of this earth, He said, satan has nothing in Me and they can’t touch Me, but I willfully give My life to the cross because that’s why My Father sent Me. The reason they couldn’t touch Him is because of the glory. They wanted to kill Jesus but scripture says He walked through the crowd and disappeared. That’s the glory of God, and even to this day, if you walk in the glory of God, you change the environment of satan’s kingdom. Smith Wigglesworth was one who walked in the glory of God in such a way that as he walked down the streets people began to repent because of the glory of God. It says in Isaiah, that it would be an easy thing for God to save a whole nation. How could He do that? There is only one way. To find someone who has removed their selfish desires, their self-centeredness, and walk in a level of the glory of God; having given everything up and saying, “I’ll do what You want me to.” Jonah was an example of this. When he went into the belly of the whale, he removed his selfish desires. When he got out he went and preached to Nineveh. One hundred and twenty thousand men, women and children repented, so the city was saved. That’s what it would take to see this nation saved. The glory of God could come down and that glory would cause the wicked to run and the righteous to be saved. It can be done. But it can’t be done with today’s evangelism, because they use mechanisms, they use trickery, they use all kinds of bait to get people to say a few words and then they think they are saved but they are not. It takes the glory of God to be saved. It’s that light. The light is the glory of God. When Jesus said, I’m the light of this world, what He’s really saying is, I have the glory of My Father on Me, and that glory can save. We have lots of examples of the glory of God in the physical. For instance, salt. What is the greatest work that salt does? It preserves. But there’s more. What is the greatest thing that salt preserves? The greatest thing I see that salt preserves is the ocean from becoming destroyed with algae and bacteria. You don’t see those things in the ocean. It’s all one big stagnant pond, but you don’t see anything stagnant in it because the salt kills the algae. If you have a fungus or something that is irritating on you, it will kill the fungus. Salt preserves. When we were kids Dad would butcher a pig and part of our job was to put the ham in a bowl and he would pour in some salt and we would rub it all over. We rubbed it in for about ten minutes. Then we would take an old sheet, wrap the ham up and tie it at both ends and hang in on a nail in the garage with the bone down so that it would drain. It would hang all summer then next fall we could go up there, take it down, take the cloth off, and cut it up and put it in the oven. We had fresh pork, because the salt killed all of the bacteria, all of the things that would cause it to deteriorate. Now, we’re called to be the salt of the earth, to preserve the kingdom of God and that which He created. We are supposed to be preserving it but we’re not. We’re becoming like the world and the glory has left the church. We’re just going through the motions. We put on a Sunday face, but when we leave you wouldn’t even know we go to church. So God says when the salt has lost its usefulness, just throw it out in the street and let everything walk on it because it’s no good. We’re the salt of the earth, but if it’s lost its usefulness just throw it out in the street. It’s nothing more than sand. We could go on with salt, all of the different things. Most of the fertilizers are salt. There are levels of acid in the salt. When you pump oil out of the ground, what all comes with it? You get oil, you get natural gas, and you get salt brine. Why do you need salt brine down there? To preserve the oil. What is the oil? What do they call gas? Where does it come from? It’s called fossil fuel. Fossil fuel is plants and animals that decayed and the oil from those plants drifted down into the ground, the water drained off, and the oil stayed there. Take an olive tree. They produce olive oil, the most pure oil you can find, and that oil is for healing. The reason that God chose the olive oil to burn in His candles and to anoint someone with is because oil is a very important aspect of God’s creation. We have all kinds of oil. We have canola oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, bean oil. You can take bean oil and use it for diesels in trucks. You can alter the system a little and burn bean oil instead of diesel fuel that comes out of the earth. You just take it from the plants and transfer it and burn it. That’s what they call renewable fuel, but the bottom line is, the oil coming out of the ground is also renewable. All of the oils that we use are energy. Some oils are called fat. Some oils are called blubber. The eskimos use blubber from whales, walruses, and seals. In fact, fish have some of the richest oils for nourishment that you can find. The salt in the sea keeps it more pure than things that are grown on the land. In that way there’s more pollution on the land than there is in the sea. Then there is lime. Lime is used to neutralize, or sweeten, the soil. What else is it used for? What happens when you have a stomach ache? You can go to the store and get processed lime, which is calcium, called tums. The tums neutralize the extra acids that are too much for the stomach to handle and brings balance again so you get rid of your stomach ache. Your digestive system recharges itself and starts processing right again. We put calcium, which is lime, into our animal feed. That’s one of the main things to balance so your animal can grow and produce strong bones. But it’s made into a liquid form, and transferred into the body and then goes through another process. Then we have yeasts that do certain things. They break down the food in the stomach so that it is digestible. Yeast brings a metamorphosis to change the food you eat into the form you need for your body. It changes the structure of the food so that it’s digestible. We can’t do that. That’s the glory of God. How about a dandelion. Try to kill a dandelion in the spring. You can hardly do it, because it worked all last summer and fall when you weren’t paying any attention. It was making energy and storing it in the root so that in the spring they don’t have to labor. So they just took the energy out of the root and came up and produced seed. You try to spray it and kill it, but it’s difficult, because it doesn’t need anything, it’s energy has already been stored. If you want to kill a dandelion, it’s easier in the fall, when it’s needing and storing up energy. The poison goes into the root then and kills it. There are some things, like acid, that break things down. So we use it for our soap. We take energy from a pig to make soap. Mom used to take pig fat, and then add acid and mix it together and cook it. When it cooled it would get hard. She would scrape off chunks into the washer and we would have laundry soap. The acid breaks down the dirt. Have you ever tried to wipe honey off your hands? You can hardly wash it off. But all you have to do is lick your fingers and it’s gone. The acid in your mouth breaks it down, preparing it for the stomach so the body can utilize it. That’s the glory of God. Have you ever stopped to think that when you put honey on your hands it’s all sticky but when you put it in your mouth it goes right down? You don’t have to go and wash the honey out of your mouth. God has made our system so that what we don’t need goes on through and what we do need is broken down and made digestible for the body to utilize through the blood system. And I’m just touching the surface of the glory of God. How about pecans. How many have ever seen a pecan grove? You’ll never find a weed under a pecan tree, because an acid that is in the tree drips down when it rains and weeds can’t handle that type of acid in the ground. They have cows in the groves that keep the grass chewed down, and when fall comes they shake the tree and pick up the pecans. Isn’t that amazing? In fact, they have a suction machine that goes through and sucks up all of the pecans after they shake the tree. Then they are put into a wagon, and hauled away to be processed. They don’t have to search for the pecans, they are in plain sight. If they had fourteen foot high horse weeds in the groves, they would have a mess. But those weeds don’t grow there. Lightning is a marvelous thing. It streaks through the skies in the rain. What is it doing? Lightening has huge amounts of power in it. In fact, when it hits your house it blows every circuit and everything you have plugged in, because it’s mega times more power than what you need. Lightning changes the oxygen in the air to nitrogen automatically. It takes a lot of energy for man to change the air into nitrogen that plants can use, but lightning spreads nitrogen through the air and the particles of water absorb it. Then it comes down as rain and the nitrogen goes into the soil to help grass and plants grow. What else does it do? When the lightning explodes in the air like that, the heat expands and contracts causing thunder. What is it doing? Do you ever feel the bang of the thunder? It’s shaking water out of the clouds. You see, there are particles of water in the clouds, and it will rain a little bit, but if you get lightning going through the cloud and exploding, you’ll find within just a second or two, the rain really starts coming down. It’s shaking the clouds. You can’t do that, but God can. He made it so that takes place. Going back to gauges; when I was young, we measured engines in horsepower. That engine has 100 horse power. Wow. Well how did they come up with 100 horse power? They determined how much work something would do in an hour. How many horses would it take to do the same amount of work in one hour? If it would take 100 horses to do that work, they would say the tractor has 100 horsepower engine. They didn’t have anything else to go by. So for years they measured engines by horsepower. But then they started measuring them by cubic inches of the cylinder. And now they measure them in liters. They have continued to change the way we gauge the power of the engines. You see, we use things as gauges for comparison. The whole Bible is comparisons. So the government tries to do the same thing. Several years ago, they were trying to find a way to make more money to be given to the government. So they decided to raise the sales tax and lower the tax rate on your home. But they have quickly started raising the taxes on land again, and now it’s going crazy. What did they do to get that passed? They changed the way we gauge value so we didn’t know and they actually got more money instead of less. They lied to us by changing the gauges with which we were familiar. See, they could change from a 318 engine in English measurements and go to an engine measured by liters and I would have no idea how to gauge it. The same way with lengths. They change it from inches and feet to centimeters and meters, and you no longer know the length. So any time something is changed, you have to be alert. Why are they changing it? To confuse your gauges so you don’t know what is going on. And the church keeps changing the gauges in what God’s people are supposed to do and there is so much confusion that very few people are even saved. They don’t have anything to gauge themselves by, except what man thinks it ought to be instead of by the word of God. That’s the reason there is no glory in the church. They have substituted the word of God for the intellect of man and there are no gauges. Science at one time was to understand the creation. In science once you got a formula, it would always work, because God never changes. If He changed, you wouldn’t have science, because you would never know from one day to the next what it was going to be. The theory of evolution is destroyed in true science because true science never changes. It’s always the same. It is absolute. But there is no truth in the “science” we have today because they use it for political advantage and to promote manmade thinking of evolution. You have no gauges to gauge it, because science is not science anymore, it is political correctness without the absolute. You just have to believe it. The church is running amuck because of that. Another gauge we have is the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments were given in the glory of God. When Moses went up, the glory of God came down like a fire ball. The reason He came down like a fire ball is because of the wickedness of the earth. When you have electricity in a power line, and a branch falls over on the hot wire, what does it do? It sparks and smokes and starts a fire. It’s dangerous. But if there is nothing affecting that wire, the electricity goes through the wire and is quiet and you don’t see it. But if there is something that pollutes that channel of power it will cause all kinds of havoc and destruction. It’s the same way with God. That’s why if you looked at the face of God you couldn’t live because of the pollution of who you are. Not because He doesn’t want you to see His face. The day is coming when you get your new body and remove the carnal self totally that you can see His face as He is without pollution and you’ll not be destroyed. That’s the glory of God. Let’s look at the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Starting in verse 1, And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. God said, I’ve taken you out of bondage and into My presence, therefore, My glory is upon you, Israel, and you shall have no other gods before Me because I’ll not share My glory with anyone else. Verse 4, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Those three areas are the areas that you fight in because that is where satan exists. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: Isn’t that something. We don’t bow down to them. Really? What about rebellion? What about being politically correct? You see people bowing down to them. I think there are a lot of things wrong with Mr. Trump, but one thing he doesn’t do is bow down to the political correctness that is destroying our nation. For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; If you have a love for something other than God, you’re in a place of the wrath of God. And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. Now, when He wrote this, there were more than thousands upon the earth. There were more than millions upon the earth. In fact, the children of Israel were more than a million themselves. So there were more than millions upon the earth, but He says, I’ve showed mercy to thousands. Even though there are millions, I’ve only showed mercy to thousands. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. How do you take His name in vain? By using the kingdom of God recklessly, putting it in the garbage and walking all over it. He said, It’s not going to be a very good thing because I am the glory of this creation. It’s not a good thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. Some people think God doesn’t get angry, but my Bible says He does. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Remember the Sabbath day. In other words, don’t do any work. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. For one reason, that is, to readjust after the six days of labor so you get back in proper relationship with the living God again. So that you never go more than six days out of step with the Living God. Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbors. Those are the ten keys to walking in the glory of God. Jesus came not to abolish the law, but to help you fulfill these things. Therefore the Ten Commandments are as important and as strong today as it was when Moses received it. It’s just that now we can fulfill it in our hearts if we die to ourselves and let God take over our lives. So what happens when you remove the thing that makes you holy and the glory of God comes? Well, when you begin to remove the Ten Commandments, you remove the light of man and the eyes of your understanding are darkened to the point that you don’t know, you have no gauge of who you are and where you are at. And so therefore the gauges of this world are being destroyed because the Ten Commandments are being removed so that anybody can do what they want to in their own eyes. Including the church. The church has done that. Accepting homosexuality, which brings death, not life. Anything that brings death is not God because there is no death in God. Everything in God multiplies, increases and expands. Therefore the things that bring death are not of God. Even slavery. Look at Exodus 21:1: Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them. If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. Now why would you buy a Hebrew, a son of Abraham as a slave? He is sold because he is not prosperous. He owes a debt. So he is sold as payment. The person that buys him pays his debt and he becomes a slave. Who would buy a slave? Someone that has some money, right? God said, You, rich man, go buy him. So the slave lives with that rich man for six years. Then it says, If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him. But what is the reason God sanctions this? God doesn’t accept bums. Those that do not work will not be in heaven. The reason God initiated slavery is so someone who is a bum can learn from someone who is prosperous, for six years. The price you pay for being a bum is being sold to someone who is wealthy. That wealthy person will teach you how to work, how to make money, how to save money, the value of things, and then after six years you can go free. If you came with a wife you can take the wife out. If you came and the boss gave you a wife you leave the wife and children there because they are his, and you leave by yourself. But what you leave with is the potential to finally not be a bum but to be a prosperous person that will provide for himself and a wife and family in freedom. In that way you reestablish someone that doesn’t know or wasn’t trained or taught how to be prosperous. In the New Testament, Paul says to be around people who know how to possess the inheritance of God. That’s what a slave does. He learns how to work. The problem with the slavery that was in the United States was that masters owned them and never gave them up. But if they would have let them go free after six years, they would have known the ways of a United States citizen and been able to prosper and be a benefit to society. If we would require every person that comes into the United States to live under and work for someone who is prosperous for six years, to learn the mannerisms of the United States, with the goal of citizenship in the United States, we wouldn’t have many of the issues we have today. But when you have an influx of people who come in and want to live their lives here like they did where they came from, it just doesn’t work. That’s what we have, and we are going to pay for it. But the intent of God was for everyone to prosper. Everything that God does is for you to prosper and be in wealth. Spiritual wealth, heavenly wealth, and then what will follow is the glory of God with the physical wealth, and you’ll be able to handle it by then. If He would give you physical wealth first, you would just do what you want to and it wouldn’t be precious. That’s why most people who inherit large amounts of money and things end up broke in a few years, because they just blow it. It’s not precious to them. It’s the same way with the kingdom of God. If you could just say a few words and be saved it wouldn’t be precious to you. I cried out to God, and He didn’t answer me for 15 months. I wept and cried and said, I don’t want anything else, I just want You. He finally came to me and He said, I wanted you to empty out the world before I give you My glory. And it became precious to me, and it’s been precious ever since. The most important thing is not physical wealth, but spiritual eternal wealth that will not corrupt. How do you get the glory of God? You will never get the glory of God because you want it. You’ll get the glory of God because you want Him. Him only. If you don’t want Him, you’ll never see the glory of God. Now, you can be in a worship service and experience the glory of the Lord, but when you leave, the light begins to go out and you don’t even understand what you heard, but at the time it was taught you understood. I had that happen a lot of times in my early days. I would go to a meeting and say, I have to remember that. And I would mark the scripture down and go home and look at it, and then I would say, how did they get that out of that scripture? But when they said it I saw it. That’s because the light of the glory was there, but I didn’t walk in that glory, so therefore I had to make a decision right then and there when the glory was there, I want to live in this glory. And then God will work to bring you to a place that He can put His glory there where there is nothing else. If you’re not willing to go through that deliverance, brokenness, and repentance, you’ll never walk in that glory. But He will work with you to cause you to inherit the things that He prepared for His people. Isaiah 57:13, When thou criest, let thy companies deliver thee; but the wind shall carry them all away; vanity shall take them: He’s talking about living in, and trusting in the world. But he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain; His holy mountain is mount Zion, and in Jerusalem is where the glory fell. If you put your trust in God, you will possess the land, that is, the thing that God made you to possess, or inherit. You’ll possess the area that you were called to do, and you will possess the glory of God. Jesus said in John 17, Lord, the glory that you gave me when I came on the earth, I gave it to my disciples. And I pray not only for my disciples, but I pray for those that will come after them, that they also will walk in my glory that you gave me. So Jesus wants us to walk in His glory that the Father gave Him. And then Jesus said, now Father, glorify Me as I was before the world was. Wow. So for a little period of time, Jesus took a degrading of 4000 years. He made the creation and bought it back by the command of God. Verse 14, And shall say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stumbling block out of the way of my people. Those who are intercessors, pray that the stumbling blocks of satan’s tactics would be destroyed so the people wouldn’t stumble coming to God. For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. Contrite is broken, knowing that without God I am nothing and can do nothing. By releasing the glory of God on you, power, and understanding, and the light of God revive the spirit of the humble. Those are the only ones He ministers to. The proud and arrogant are not ministered to because they aren’t even saved. It doesn’t matter what you do or what you say, it’s the fruit that makes you what you are, not what you say. You’re known by your fruit. For I will not contend forever, neither will I be always wroth: for the spirit should fail before me, and the souls which I have made. So we have the promise here that God will not give us more than we are able to bear, to the point that we give up, but He’s going to keep cleansing us to advance us in His glory. Everything He does is holy, and it’s done so that you can advance in His kingdom. He knows that flesh is weak and lazy. If He brings turmoil to your life and you struggle to get rid of it, it’s the only way that God can move you to the next level of glory. It’s a very sad thing but that’s the truth. So the souls He’s made, He’s wanting to save; and He does it in such a way that you can handle it. For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth. Because of the iniquity, that is, the self-centeredness, greed, and want, He was angry. Is there anybody full of self-centeredness and greed in the United States? And smote him: Do you think God is ready to give the United States a spanking? More than a spanking, and it’s not far off. Then he said, I hid me. What does it mean to “hide Me”? In another place it says, I hid My face. Let’s stop and think about it. Way, way back in the beginning was Cain and Abel. Abel brought a sacrifice, and that sacrifice was one of a lamb that God created the grass, He made the lamb, and all Abel did was take care of the lamb and he was a servant to God. He cared for the lamb, led him out to pastures, but God made the grass grow that went into the stomach that digested the food that made the lamb grow up, and then have young ones. All of that was God. God did it. So he handed that lamb sacrificed to God saying, this is what you did, and I am pausing to recognize this is your work. You are the Creator of heaven and earth. And here comes Cain with his corn and he throws it to the Lord and says, here is a grain offering to You. I labored for it. I sweat over this, I hauled water. I did all these things for You, God. And God said, Cain, you’re in the fallen state. Your labor isn’t worth anything. It’s corrupt. You want me to eat your corrupt food? I don’t want it. So Cain got mad and killed Abel. And then God says, the earth is crying out to me. What did you do to Abel? Cain said, I didn’t do anything. Am I supposed to be aware of what Abel is doing all the time? God said, you killed him. I told you to get ahold of your anger and you didn’t do it. Then Cain said something tremendously important: You’re removing me from the face, or the glory, of God, and I will be a bum forever. Without the glory of God, you are in God’s eyes, a bum. I will hide my face and you will be a bum. Because Jesus said, those that are Yours, they will get My glory. That’s why so few are saved. That’s why He showed mercy to some thousands. But there were millions on the earth. I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart. To be forward is to think you’re something that you’re not. I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners. God puts His hand out and says, I see your forward ways, but if you come to Me I will heal you. Those that mourn. I’ll come to you and I’ll heal you and bring my glory. That’s the comfort. Then you can begin to touch My mind. Isaiah 58:7, teaches about choosing a true fast, that is, to make your flesh become silent: Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? Don’t hide yourself from your own flesh. Don’t hide the way your flesh acts when nobody is around. But, if you don’t hide what your flesh does in private, Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and the righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy rereward. In other words, if you do what is right then the light, which is the glory of God, is going to break forth as the morning, and your health will spring forth speedily, because there is no turmoil in you. And the glory of the Lord will be right there to usher in your safety, that you’re in that spot where you have conquered, and if you let the glory of God come in, the glory will keep you from ever going back. That’s why John said if you are born again you can’t continue to sin, because the glory of God has come in that place. The glory keeps satan out because He shares his glory with no one, and that becomes your protection from satan and the world. Without the glory, you’re going to go right back and do it again and you’ve gained nothing. Isaiah 65:8 Thus saith the Lord, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it: so will I do for my servants’ sakes, that I may not destroy them all. What does that mean? We know that wine represents revelation. A drunkard gets new revelation when he gets drunk. That’s where many of the cartoons on tv come from. Being drunken with wine or drugs, they hallucinate and go into the spirit realm and see the demons that are there. Many of those characters you see today are really images of demons. Now, there is a blessing in getting a revelation from God, just like wine does for the wicked. If something hit you today, that you weren’t aware of, that is a revelation and if you study it and seek it, it will be a good thing in you to help bring the glory of God in your life. But if it was just a good message and you go on and don’t take the wine, or the revelation, to study it and understand it so you can receive it in your heart, you won’t get the blessing from it. That blessing is the glory of God. Verse 9, and I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah an inheritor of my mountains: and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there. God’s elect, the ones who He calls, shall inherit His mountains. Mountains have to do with power and authority upon the earth that was stolen by satan and we are to take it back. God will give us the heritage that He made from the beginning for us to walk in and possess through the glory of God. When Nebuchadnezzar carried off the children of Israel, he took the king’s sons and made them eunuchs. He made them useful in his kingdom because they were kings children. They had what it takes to be leaders. He was looking for leaders and he disengaged them by making them eunuchs so the only thing they could do was be servants. There wasn’t the hope of being anything more. We have been made to be kings and priests because the Lord Jesus came and gave us the king’s glory to be that. Of all things that I saw in the glory of God this week, I probably shared just one percent of it. I just sat there, and it was like a movie, just one glory after another. It just kept coming and coming. The glory of God. But He won’t share His glory if you have other gods before you, if you have other images before you, if you have anything else, you’ll not receive the glory. And it’s the glory that is the seal of your faith. It’s like the king’s signet ring. It comes from the one who inhabits eternity, and when He puts that seal on you, it’s a different story. But you don’t get it any other way than bearing good fruit. You can have everlasting life, but if it doesn’t work out, you lose your everlasting life. Because everlasting is as long as the covenant is held. God promised several things to Israel, that would be an everlasting covenant, but it isn’t there today. A lot of things He said are everlasting. But when it’s eternal… There were things that I asked God to change in my life, “Lord, remove this.” And it was like I embarrassed God. He spoke and He said, I can’t do that. I made you that way. That’s the same thing He said to Cain. I made you this way. You fell and now get ahold of that thing and don’t let it get ahold of you. That’s your responsibility. Don’t let it get ahold of you. But Cain didn’t pay any attention to God. He sinned and he was removed from the face of God and became a bum. And he said, if I go out in the world someone will see me and kill me. Why would he be afraid? Because the glory of God was removed from him. He was no longer under the covering of the living God. So God put a mark on him so that everyone who saw him would know who he was, that he angered God and was removed from his face, but no one could touch him. He removed the glory from him, but He left a level of covering, which is the grace of God. It doesn’t ever say whether he will be in eternity or not. So God is a good God, but He’s an absolute God. Everything that God has created, everything He has, is His glory. He’s willing to share His glory with those who are inhabiters of God’s rock, which is His glory. We have been given a deposit of that glory, and if we make it through to the end we will get an eternal body and live forever with Him in His glory. How foolish we are as the created to take our salvation so lightly and think that God would let us enter His heaven full of hell after He kicked satan out. He won’t allow satan back in through us. He won’t give us eternal life if we have the devil in us. It’s our responsibility to remove him because He made the way. If you don’t take the way that He made then He doesn’t want you there. You’re a bum. If you don’t bear fruit He’ll cut you off the vine. If you’re not attached to Jesus the vine, He’ll cut you off and throw you in the fire. It’s up to you. The destiny is in your hands. He’s made the way, what will you do? What decisions will you make today that will increase your glory for tomorrow?
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