I want to talk a little bit about what has made this nation great. Of course, first and foremost it is the constitution that is an agreement in heaven with God that we trust in Him. And with that, we obey the commandments of God. Our forefathers came here to be free from the tyranny of Europe. The constitution was set up to stop that tyranny from happening here. There are ways and means of throwing off the wicked people who try to take over this nation and take the spoil of the blessings that God gave people. It always starts with the devil trying to take back. From the very onset we have had to fight off tyranny. Rather than the government being a servant of the people, which is how it was set up in the constitution, we are fighting the government taking over and causing the people to serve the government. What the government does to destroy the power of the people has to do with the prosperity of the people. The more people they can make dependent upon the government, the weaker this nation becomes. Those who want tyranny in this nation want to get rid of Christians. And they also want to make everyone poor. What the poor don’t realize is that they are poor because they don’t have discipline or understanding or they are just lazy and don’t want to work. There isn’t anybody in the United States that couldn’t start a business. When government gives money to people to start businesses, they are in tyranny themselves. That is, they take the money for themselves rather than putting it into the business until the business supports itself. Even our government has told us that we don’t start our businesses, the government starts them. It’s such a lie. The people who are tyrants have always lived off of other people’s money, so they have no clue how to make money and what is required for people to be successful in business or in services. What is happening right now is that through laws and rules and regulations they’re trying to destroy the wealthy. The problem is that they are destroying the very people who support this nation. It’s the rich that make jobs. Jesus said you’ll always have poor people. Jesus was the wealthiest person to ever walk the face of the earth. And Jesus rebuked the disciples when a lady came with very expensive perfume and poured it on Him because she loved Him and wanted to honor Him. He said let her go because the poor you will always have with you, but you won’t always have Me here. So even Jesus said, don’t stop her from anointing Me with this expensive perfume because that’s what she wishes to do. It doesn’t say how much it cost. It may have taken her whole life savings to pay for that perfume. The United States became a great nation because they followed the laws of God first. That made it very easy to follow the laws of the land, providing people who have a biblical background and those that have the best interest for the United States are in charge. The number one reason we are great is that we use the laws of God to govern this nation. And we know that if God owns it, He blesses it. One of the signs of being blessed is that you are the head and not the tail. Number two is the work ethics. What do I mean by work ethics? You must labor in business to have products that people want. You have to manufacture. For a long time, until the bubble broke, Elkhart County was prosperous above all of the communities around. In the 50’s and 60’s there were more millionaires per capita here in Elkhart County than any place in the United States. The reason is we made products that the country wanted. So products went out of this county to the United States and eventually to the world in manufactured goods, and the profits came back here. The companies were locally owned. Just to give an example of what it means to be able to be the head, the money came in from all over the United States and the world and it landed right here in this county. Then we began to sell our manufacturing facilities to other companies out of state that wanted to get in on it. When that took place the profits from the businesses were no longer coming in to this county. We still received money for the labor, but that wasn’t much. Then, when that whole thing began to deteriorate, we became common like the rest of the nation; that is, big businesses owned properties. Let’s put this on a national level then. If the United States would make goods that the world wanted, then the wealth would come to this nation, and that’s what it did for a long time. But when we began to ship our manufacturing to other parts of the world that had cheap labor, and then ship the products back here and bought them, we weren’t taking money in from outside, it was all going out. What happens when it all goes out? The piggy bank runs dry. So through corruption and deceit that came from that system happening, we became the tail and not the head. The proof of that is, in the last 8 years we’ve spent more trillions of dollars than all the time before. It’s been gaining from 30 years ago. There are several things that have brought us to this place, but it all has to do with the morality of the people. The more they tried to please the flesh and were not in control of their flesh, the more vulnerable they became. Many houses were foreclosed, and many businesses went under. It all happened because we got money cheap. When I was young you had to have a minimum of 20 to 40 percent down payment to get a loan. I remember wanting to build some apartments in a local town, and it was going to cost me forty thousand dollars, and I had twenty thousand dollars in cash. But the local banker was jealous of me, and he wouldn’t loan me twenty thousand dollars. Today not only could one borrow one hundred percent of it, but they could work the system and put some money in their pockets too. What has happened to our country through what our leadership does? Leadership is extremely important. If you look in the Bible, when a king served the gods of this world, the whole nation of Israel went down. And when they came back to God, He brought the nation back and began to prosper them once again. One of the things that our former speaker of the house said, about six years ago, was in regard to farmers. She said, they are so small, forget them. If they can’t produce food we’ll just import. What she didn’t realize, and she was third in command in the United States, is that we are the bread basket of the world. We have fed the world, but she was saying, we’ll just import the food. Forget the farmers, let them go to nothing. Can you imagine someone third in command making a statement like that? We’re still the envy of the world. Sad to say, many of the farmers have become receivers of government money that should never be given out. What made this nation great was the farm community where the father and the mother worked with the children and taught them how to work instead of the kids being on the street and doing all kinds of rebellious things that has caused what we have today. It used to be that seventy percent of the people were farmers. But at any rate, when our production goes down to nothing we will be nothing. And the thing we have to understand is that the US dollar is the standard of the world. If you want to change money from one currency to another, everybody goes by the dollar. The reason is the United States was the safest and the most honest place to put your trust in the gauge for what money is valued at. Obama has made other countries angry because he is destroying the only thing left in the world that was safe and that you could depend on. Now China wants to take over. Do you think China could be trusted? And yet, the Federal Reserve, which basically is the world currency, is doing a lot of things that are behind closed doors. So here we are, and the fault of our failure is that we are not a truthful people anymore. When you go to close on real estate, you sign a whole stack of papers stating that nobody can be held accountable except the one making the purchase. You’re at fault if something goes wrong. If the bank makes a mistake you have to allow them to correct it, but if you make a mistake you’re not allowed to correct it. So we are in a dilemma, that unless something happens, the tyranny ends, we will become in a very short time, and it has already begun, a third world nation. We are on the road to being a third world nation. The first step is the debt, the second one is politicians. A politician is a politician because they have the right to lie and not be held accountable for what they say. Not many politicians get put in jail. But if you were to do the very same thing a politician did in the court of law and you’re under oath, you would be put in jail because you lied. Yet, they are to be the servants and not the head. They are supposed to be the servants of the people and that’s not the case. We’re on a one way course to becoming a third world nation. That doesn’t mean that there will be the end of the United States, but once the United States becomes a third world nation, if that takes place, tyranny will be over the whole world and it will disintegrate to lawlessness continually. That’s not a very good picture. But there is only one answer. That is, that the United States repents and comes back to God. There is no other way out. Let’s look at Luke 18:8, I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Jesus, when He was yet here said, “I wonder if when I come back with My Father to judge the whole world, will there be faith on the earth?” Without faith, you’re not saved. You see, many people trust the government and not God. They look to the United States government for help and they don’t get on their face and cry out to bring prosperity to their lives. If you follow the laws of God, you will be prosperous. When you turn from God and are governed by people that lie, Ephesians 4:17 says, This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, To walk in the vanity of your mind is to walk in the understanding of this world through your intellect, your own mind, and what people think. When I was in high school I was taught that in 15 years there would be a world shortage of food because we were slipping into the ice age. We would not be able to grow crops. Everything would become a deep freeze and eventually everybody will be wiped off the face of the earth if we don’t stop our pollution on the earth. The reason it was going to get colder was because of all the pollution in the sky that would keep the sun from coming down and warming the earth. So it will freeze. That’s what I was taught. That’s what they were teaching in the 60’s. So I thought, I will keep that in mind. But when 1975 came around, nothing changed. And now today, they are teaching the very opposite, that all the pollution in the sky will cause the sun to be hotter on the earth and we will burn up. Daniel 8:12, And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered. The daily sacrifice was stopped 40 years after Jesus was killed. In 70, the temple was destroyed and the sacrifices stopped. And from that point on wickedness began to practice, which is tyranny. It began to prosper. It covered all of Europe and the people who came to the United States wanted to get away from the tyranny of Europe and they said, when it comes, throw it off of you. When I was in school back in the 60’s, they still taught the founding of the United States and what it represented, and God blessed it. What is being told now is a total lie. Transgression is going against God’s laws and desolation is the absence of the blessing of God. Now in chapter 9:13, As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: The children of Israel did not believe that God would ever destroy their nation because they were God’s chosen. The United States is God’s chosen today, as well as Israel. But we also can fall if we don’t repent. Many people do not believe that we could fall. But verse 13 says, As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth. Our “iniquities” is our intellectual thinking which is self-driven, and uses the witchcraft of satan to do what we want. The only way this nation can be saved is to come back to God’s truth. Iniquities is lying, cheating and stealing. All things that will not be allowed to go to heaven. Only those who walk in truth and worship God in spirit and in truth will be there. So we have two worlds. One world is a world where you follow the laws, the rules, and commandments of God so that this creation can bless you. And that you can bless the Creator. Those that do not believe in a Creator do not believe in a supernatural being, which is God, so they will never be able to make it to heaven. Evolution is one of the biggest lies in our nation and school system today. We have iniquity in our schools that is teaching intellectual ideas, which is political. Remember, political is the ability to lie and not be held accountable. So they call it in today’s society, political correctness, which is a lie. Anytime political is there, it is the right to lie and not be sued for it. They can say anything they want and not be held accountable. They are politically doing it, out of their mindsets and what they think is ok. So back to Daniel, Daniel is praying to God, “God, it’s been seventy years, and you said after seventy years you would take us back to our land. And we realize that we ignored Your truth and You had us carried off because You wouldn’t allow us to stay in Your special place if we wouldn’t obey You.” I can tell you that if we don’t repent, God will allow this nation to go to nothing. In fact, He will have fanners that will fan the flame to destroy what He blessed. He said, If you don’t want me I’ll come and take it back. That’s what a bank does. I’m going to help you get what you want, I’ll give you money, but if you don’t give back the money they will come and take it away from you. That’s what God’s doing too. He’ll take this nation back and give it to somebody else if we don’t repent. God brought judgment to the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Kings came and carried off all the wealth and the people. Because Lot was taken too, Abraham found out about it and went after them and destroyed the wickedness of those kings and brought the people back to Sodom and Gomorrah. Within just a few years after that took place, they refused to repent and honor God, and God said, Lot, get out of there because I’m going to destroy these cities. The dead sea is 10 miles wide, 42 miles long, and as much as three miles deep. That’s how big it blew. There was oil everywhere in that. Today there is no oil there at all. God blew it up and sealed it off and there’s no oil there because they refused to repent. That’s a pretty big judgment. Let’s go to Isaiah 38. Here Hezekiah was going to die, and he cried out to the Lord and the Lord gave him fifteen more years. This is then part of the prayer that he gave to God: Verse 18, For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. When you are gone from this life you won’t be praising. The opportunity to praise God is now. There is no truth in the pit. Verse 19, The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: the father to the children shall make known thy truth. It is up to the parents to make aware of the truth of life for the living. If that doesn’t happen, then society begins to break down and that’s what is happening today. We are in the second generation of youth who are taught by professors that have never produced anything. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t some that have, and those are good professors. You can get some fundamentals from being taught, and if they teach you that in school then that’s a good start in life. If truth and basic fundamentals are not taught then you’re in big trouble. But you learn the most from hands on experience. That’s why farmers kids were the ones who people wanted to hire, because they knew how to do things because their parents taught them. Hezekiah is saying here that the living are to teach their children to know the truth. Isaiah 42:3 is a prophesy that Isaiah enters into speaking of Jesus: A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: A reed is a stem like plant that lives and grows in the water. Sometimes they get broke and they lean over. God said that Jesus, even if you are broken, and are almost non-functional, God still won’t kick you out. But when you completely turn on Him, then you’re done with Him and He’s done with you. Flax is like wheat and oats, only they used it for clothing. They pulled it apart and then weaved it like wool. So if you had a pile of flax and it was on fire, it would just slowly burn and smoke like charcoal would. But even if that is all you have in you, God said He won’t quench it. If it goes out, then you’re done, but He won’t put water on it. He shall bring forth judgment unto truth. The way you get back to truth is God begins to bring judgment on you and that judgment will cause you to make a decision: am I going to follow God, or am I going to follow the other world? Those who are tyrants live in a different world. They don’t live in the same world as people who walk in truth. Right now you are hearing statements of, “I’m glad I don’t live in the world of a conservative,” which is a world of truth, although truth isn’t very active in that group anymore either. But at least they have an idea of an understanding of what it takes to make an economy go and why people become wealthy and why they don’t. They sell a product that people want and need. So, judgment must come forth. Judgment has already started in the United States. The whirlwind. We’ve not seen anything like this in our day, but a few months ago the Lord said, I’m going to send My whirlwind. And it’s here. He said when I send my whirlwind you’ll know it. I know it’s here. I don’t know what level it is at this point, but it’s here. And it is here to cause people to decide which world they are going to live in. Now let’s go to chapter 59. In the United States there are very few people that are doing what needs to be done, and that is, Isaiah says in 59:4, None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. In our administration today, both the liberal and conservative groups are letting truth go. They say they will do something, but they end up doing the opposite. When our leaders speak today and say, this is what’s going to happen, you can count on it being just the opposite. If they say you’ll be better off, you’ll be worse off. If it’s not going to cost you as much, it will cost you a whole lot more. The reason is because they have no concept of what it takes to prosper. It’s all from intellect, from the philosophy of liberal colleges. I would say verse 4 describes our politicians today. And if they are not this way, then when they go to Washington DC, verse 14 & 15 describes what happens to them. Verse 14, And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Prosperity cannot enter because of truth falling in the streets and the vanity that they trust in, and the speaking of lies, and the mischief that they bring up and they walk in the power of satan, which is iniquity. Then in verse 15, Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey. And the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment. Anyone who speaks truth today will be ripped to shreds by the media. I’ve seen it over and over again. If you get up and speak truth, regarding homosexuality, or global warming, or other things on their political agenda, you are destroyed. God laughs at the intellectual thinking of man. God has given not a covenant of the mind, but a covenant of the heart. That’s where the covenant is. If you want to know and have covenant with God, you don’t do it with the intellect, you do it with a heart relationship with the Creator, living in truth, and you will get somewhere. John 8:43, Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word. What Jesus said in that verse is there are two worlds. There is the world of truth and the world of man’s philosophy. Our current president was inaugurated in the midst of Greek pillars which represent philosophy. The last 8 years we have been led by philosophy of liberal thinking that has been destroying our nation and we are on the fast track to becoming a third world country. That’s why I say tyranny is already here. In third world countries if you try to build a business and be in competition with a big company down the road they will kill you. You will never start a business in their campground because thy will destroy you. There are three people who were killed recently and they think it’s linked to information they were sharing. One of them was shot in the back, labeled “robbery”, but nothing was taken from them. And our FBI that is supposed to be independent is no longer valid. It’s a sad state, but we are in tyranny and we are close to becoming a third world nation where you will never rise again in prosperity. When you have prosperity they will take it away from you and you’ll live as peasants the rest of your lives. And the only answer is God moving and causing the tyranny to be removed. The constitution is still in heaven, therefore we have a right to ask for judgment. God was not happy when Israel did what they did and there was no judgment and all the truth fell to the streets. So now we see what Jesus said in verse 44, Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. So those that lie and do not the truth are in a world where satan lives. And that’s their father. So they see a different world and God says in the Bible that their understanding has been darkening and they are going headlong over a cliff and they don’t even know it. That’s the world that they live in. That’s the world where they’ve been saying, “I’m glad I don’t live in the world of those who are very concerned that this nation is not great.” Revelation 21:27 speaks of the last day when the Lord comes back, And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, that is, anything that is unclean, anything that has not followed the commandments of God will not enter into that kingdom. That removes the idea that you can just get saved and do anything you want to and make it to heaven. Anything that defiles will not enter. Neither whatsoever worketh abomination, that is, working and speaking against the living God, which is evolution, or the big bang theory. Or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life. And we saw in Hezekiah’s prayer, thankfulness to God that it’s the living who praise God, not the dead. So we have a dilemma. If we don’t rise up and continue to cry out for judgment to take place and the standard to be raised, this nation will fall. We are the prey of this nation if we raise the standard and come against their philosophy and their thinking of what they want to do. We have a person that is very dangerous running for office. To her it doesn’t matter what she says or what happens, it’s where she wants to go that counts. She can run over 100,000 people but get to where she wants to be and it doesn’t matter. But there are laws and moral standards to get there that must be followed. In tyranny that doesn’t matter. In political correctness that doesn’t matter. You can say a lot of things about Trump, that he’s no good, but he is a prey of the things he speaks that are truth. I’m not saying that he has angel’s wings but he at least has a level of truth in him, and those who want to plunder this nation and the wealth of it are preying on him to destroy him. You can say what you want to, but that tyranny is the same thing as back before Christ, where they went in and just destroyed and killed. It is barbaric. That’s what a barbarian does. They destroy and do what they want. There’s nothing new on the face of the earth. It just comes in different shapes and faces. But there is something that you need to know. That is, those who walk in truth, like Daniel, can prosper in the middle of the disaster. ![]()
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